Karen Blair

I grew up in Perth, Western Australia where I spent a lot of time drawing and writing. Animals have always been part of my life - our family had cats, dogs, guinea pigs and sometimes tadpoles. I have always adored picture books and as a child I would make my own at school and even in the holidays. I was very excited when I was awarded 3rd place in the CBCA Make Your Own Book Competition in Year 8. I was even more excited when the first book I illustrated, With Nan (by Tania Cox) was awarded Honour Book in the CBCA Book of the Year Awards in 2013.
I love to draw characters that are young, old and in between, as well as the wonderful creatures that we encounter in Australia – in the bush, the sea, the outback, or at home. I have a background in painting landscapes and love incorporating this into my illustrations.
I live in Fremantle, Western Australia with my husband, daughter, son and cheerful little dog. I work from my home studio which looks over a garden that attracts lots of local birds. I also have been a primary art teacher and I love helping children learn new ways to bring their creative ideas to life through art.
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